A magician has made me invisible for a day! There are so many things I could do. I will start off my day by driving in car to a store, most likely the Irvine spectrum. I will probably get pulled over because there is a car without a person in it. I would then make it to the spectrum and of course start in target. I would take three carts and take as much as possible. I would quickly get out of there and shove everything in my car. I would then drive to my grandmas house and make a mess with anything I could find. I would then drive to South coast plaza and look through people shopping bags. As I get my fair share of things I would then drive back home and pack a bag. I would go to the airport and sneak on whatever flight makes my heart happy because why not! It’s free anyway. I would try to get on a flight to Dubai because I would love to go there. I would then arrive and my day would probably be over and I would be visible once again.
Rad Reading- February
This month I read Love and Gelato by Jenna Evan’s Welch. This book is about a young girl who’s named Carolina, Lina for short. Her mother was dying due to cancer and she wanted Lina to go to Italy for just a month to two, to experience what she experienced as a young girl. Shortly after he mom died Lina went to Italy and stayed with her “dad”. It got Lina wondering, what kind of dad stays out of his child’s life for sixteen years? Lina was given a journal that her mom made when she was in Italy. She found out a lot. She visited sites her mom went to including her school. As Lina continued reading the journal, her mom starts writing about her love life. Lina comes to find out the guy she’s staying with is not her dad. I recommend reading this book because it has a lot of emotions and grief. It demonstrates a real life situation and also shows the importance of being able to see the world. If Lina wouldn’t have agreed to go to Italy, she would have never learned of her mom when she was younger. This story shows love and heartbreak. That is why I recommend this book. My favorite character is Lina. Lina went through a lot and had the courage to go back to where her mom spent her teenage years even though she had died. One of my favorite quotes of hers was “…I had Nutella on my face and my first real love sprawled out next to me and any minute the stars where going to sink back into the sky in preparation for a new day, and first time in a long time, I couldn’t wait for what that day would bring.” On page 386. This quote is so important to her and the story. At the beginning of the story she had lost her mom and was dealing with a lot of grief. At the end she was actually excited to see what the next day brought to her. This quote showed evolution through the story and made me happy for her.
My Daily Life on An Abandoned Island
I woke up to the sound waves crashing and birds chirping. As I opened my eyes the sun shined on my face. It was a warm day out on the island. I live on an abandoned island, I’ve been here for about three years now. Life on the island is very different than living in a regular city or town. I have to hunt for my own food and water. I live by myself, but I have lots of animals friends that join me. You’re probably wondering how I got her, and that’s a great question. One day me and my family decided to go whale watching. It was fun until it wasn’t. We spotted a whale near by and the captain panicked! The tiny wooden boat flipped over and I blacked out. The next thing I know is that I ended up on the shore of a pretty spacious island with sand, palm trees , coconut trees, and bushes. It was white sand and super pretty clear water with rocks at the bottom. The water is shallow and cold. So that’s how I ended up here, but this is how I go about my day. When I woke up I first went out to the water to take a shower. Obviously I don’t have shampoo or body wash so I just rinse of with water. After that I go and put on the only clothes I have. I only have one bathing suit and one pair of clothes that I hand wash at the end of each day. I then go and climb a coconut tree because that’s what I have for most of my meals. I eat half of the coconut and save the rest for later. I then take a walk around the island or a swim in the ocean. Im currently working on fixing up a broken boat I found when I got her so I could go explore and hopefully leave this island. After a while I usually take a nap. I then wake up from my nap because I got to burned in the hot hot sun. I get up and go hunt for fish to eat for lunch and maybe dinner. After hunting I usually eat the rest of the coconut. I cook my dinner by starting a fire with sticks and brush. I eat that and I watch the sun set. I then go out to the ocean to wash my clothes off. I hang my clothes up on the tree and put myself to sleep.
Rad Reading-January
This month I read The Summer of Broken Rules by K.L Walther. The Summer of Broken Rules is a young adult romance novel about a young girl named Meredith Fox and her family. Meredith has recently suffered the loss of her sister Claire Fox and due to that she has separated herself from the real world for a whole year. When summer came around it was also time for her cousin Sarah’s wedding so Meredith and her family went to the town where all her family meets over summer, the paqua farm. Meredith sees all her family and close friends that she completely ignored for a year after her sister’s passing. She meets new people and apologized to many people as well. She also meet her new summer “friend” over a game of assassin. Stephen Witry is his name, also know as Wit. Between the two of them they form an alliance, but Meredith get a little distracted while being around Wit. They become a “thing” and everyone knows even though she tried to hide it. Towards the end of the story she finds out that Wit knew something that he should have told her. They get into a bit of a fight and decide it’s best to just be friend. When the time comes Meredith has to decide if she will follow Wit and be with him, or stay close to home and let him leave just as friends .
I enjoyed reading this book because there was a lot of things going on at once. It was a very eventful book and I loved that there was always something going on there was never a break where is was mellow. I also loved that it was a real life situation and it talked about grief, heartbreak, and loyalty while still being fun and enthusiastic. I liked the fact that it included a lot of family time and it was kind of based around family.
My favorite quote was “I hadn’t listened to Claire’s laugh in over a year. her gorgeous, dazzling laugh. The world felt so quiet without it.” On page 252. I found this quote important because it showed how different Meredith’s life was after her sister passed. It showed the effect grief has on you when you loose something. After this in the story Meredith continued to ghost her family for a few days even though before this she was super sad because she was leaving the farm because the summer was ending. Overall this book was amazingly written and I rate it a 8/10.
My Broken Arm
This is the story on the day I broke my arm. It all started on a Tuesday afternoon in second grade. It was spirit week and it was neon day. I was wearing a white polo shirt with a neon orange skirt, and a matching bow. We had a sub that day and after lunch she had nothing for us to do. She decided to let us out to the playground for the rest of the day. So the whole class lined up and we walked to the playground. Me and a few other girls decided to play on the slides. As we were playing another group of girls came up to us and we all started playing together. I was at the top of the side when a girl asked me if I had ever been on the monkey bars. I had never, ever been on the monkey bars, but I didn’t want to admit it so I said, “Yea I have and I’m really good at it too.” So she proceeded to ask me to show her. So there I go, I walked over to the platform where the monkey bars started and I looked down and got very scared. I didn’t give up though, I jumped up to the first bar and hung for about a minute, then as I jumped to the next bar I fell. As I was falling it felt like 100 feet down, but of course it wasn’t. I felt the air blowing through my hair. I knew immediately as I hit the ground my hand was broken. I landed with my wrist bent and all of my body on top of my wrist. I immediately was super scared and called my friends at the top to tell the teacher. Everybody ran away and I thought that they didn’t tell anyone, but they did. Soon after the teacher came to help me as well as an activity monitor. They helped me up and took me too the nurse. The unfortunate thing is that the nurse had gone home for the day since it was already almost time to leave. The office staff gave me an ice pack and called my mom. When they supposedly called my mom, they gave me the phone and it didn’t sound like her voice, but I still talked to her. I figured it was my aunt since my mom was at work. The lady then told me that I had cousins that could take me home because she couldn’t pick me up. I knew I had no family at school so I knew something was wrong. They the picked up the phone again and before I knew it my grandma arrived and was in the office with a bowl of cucumber. She came to me and I was in so much pain and she told me that she had already called my mom, but originally the office called the wrong parents. My mom got there super quick and she didn’t check in. She saw me sitting and walked straight to the nurses office and started looking through the drawers. My mom worked at a doctors office at the time so she knew what to do. She found this box thing that kept my arm from moving and she taped it around my arm. My mom and grandma took me out to the car because by this time school had ended. We went to the hospital and called my dad on the way. When we got there we had to wait for hour and hours just to get into a room. The ice pack was warm and I couldn’t eat. It was about twelve pm when I had ate last and at this time is was around six pm. I also don’t remember being able to drink water. They finally told me I needed to be put under anesthesia so they could put my bone back in place. They started the process at night anywhere from ten to twelve I want to think. We ended up leaving the hospital at around three in the morning the next day. All I remember is feeling bad for my dad because he had to wake up at five in the morning he didn’t even sleep. I don’t remember much after that just that my mom stayed home from work the next day and I stayed home from school. In the end I healed in about five months and I’m all better now.
My Hero
Somebody I look up to as my hero is Princess Diana. There are many reasons why I look up to her. My first reason is because she broke a lot of royal rules although she wasn’t supposed to. Princess Diana went to multiple of her son’s school events and participated in them while she was Princess and she didn’t care that what people would say about her. Princess Diana also donated to charity. Before she had passed away she had donated about 1.4 million dollars to charity as well as her wedding dress. She was a great inspiration and influence to society and I aspire to be like her one day.
A Quote to Remember
For my quote I chose “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.” This quote is said by Dumbledore from Harry Potter. This quote means to me that even during hard or sad times you should still remember that there is happiness in the world and you just have to find it. This is important to me because there have been times where I don’t realize that there is good and not just bad and I need to stop focusing on the bad all the time. If you just focus on the bad you won’t appreciate the good around you. In summary this quote means that even in bad situations there is always something good, but you have to let the good be there and come to you. If you don’t invite it in nothing will help you.
My Word Of Intention For 2025
My word of intention for 2025 is gratitude. My main reason for that is because I feel like I take everything and everyone for granted and my parents work so hard for me I want to learn to appreciate things better. One way I can accomplish this is by spending a lot more time with my family. It’s not easy to say, but no one lives forever and I want to spend as much time as possible with everyone. mother way I can reach my goal is by saying thank you more often. I did try to say thank you to everyone, but sometimes I don’t and I should probably work on that. My last way to reach this goal is be grateful for what I have and not ask for more. I often times find myself asking for more and more knowing I have just what I need and I don’t need more. It’s great to dream and wish, but maybe at a later time to I can really appreciate what I have.
Rad Reading-December
This month I read We’ll always Have Summer by Jenny Han. This a 291 page romance novel, which is a continuation of It’s not Summer Without you and The summer I Turned Pretty. In this book Belly continues her relationship with Jeremiah and eventually gets down on one knee and wants to make her Belly Fisher. As the big day gets closer and closer they he’d to cousins to finalize a few things. Conrad surprises everyone when he goes to cousins to tell Belly how he felt the entire time and apologized for breaking her heart. The problem is she now has to tell one of the Fisher boys, that they are not her first option. Will she choose Jeremiah, or Conrad?
I enjoyed this book because its how I would have chose Belly’s life to end like. I like who she ended up choosing it was right for everyone.
My favorite character in this book was Laurel, Belly’s mom. My favorite quotes that she said were “If you go forward with this wedding, I won’t support it. I wont be there.” On page 115. The next quote is on page 110 “You’re returning that ring, Isabel.” I like these quotes because it really shows that she stands by her word and she didn’t care if Belly wanted to get married, she knew it was wrong and she stood on that. This really shows how Laurel is as a character.
My favorite quote from this book is on page 32, “Like kids. Totally innocent. We could never go back to that.” I like this quote because it shows how Belly is growing up slowly but surely and it realates to the real world because being a kid goes by super fast and you can’t ever go back to that.
Principal for the Day
I have been told I am the principal for the day at my school. I start my day by waking up and getting dressed. Then I would head to my kitchen and make a cup of coffee because I know I would need it. Then, I would head over to the school to start my new job at school as the principal. I would get to my office and answer any emails that need to be answered. I’d then do the morning announcements and send any emails that need to be sent. I’d then walk around campus and walk into some classes to see what students were doing. At break I’d go outside and make sure everything is going as expected. After break is over I’d go visit some more classes and see what teachers and students are doing. At lunch I would go out and get lunch. I would end my day by doing more paper work or whatever needed to be done. Then before I went home I would quit and never come back because I would not like to be principal for the day.